
Artificial Intelligence Certification training

Enroll now to gain expertise in deriving valuable business insights from large datasets with guidance from an AI specialist.

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Course Duration Live Project Certification Pass Training Mode
30 Hrs.
2 Projects
Virtual Instructor Led


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Elevate your career by enrolling in the top-notch Artificial Intelligence Certification training program offered by AlmaMate Info Tech. This course will empower you with knowledge in Python libraries, Tensor Flow concepts, neural networks, binary classification, logistic regression, and a wide array of other essential topics.

  • Acquire fundamental AI skills, master machine learning algorithms, and delve into other crucial aspects of artificial intelligence.
  • Improve your predictive analytical abilities, logical reasoning, and decision-making skills, among others.
  • Prepare yourself for the industry and ensure the future relevance of your AI career.
  • You possess the capability to comprehend concepts across the entire spectrum, from the most basic fundamentals to the most advanced levels.
  • Receive instruction and guidance from highly experienced industry experts who have accumulated years of practical knowledge.

AlmaMate Info Tech provides an all-encompassing Artificial Intelligence certification training program designed to equip you with vital foundational AI skills, machine learning algorithms, and more. This training will empower you to advance your career and secure your desired position in prominent industries.

  • Tailor your learning experience to suit your individual preferences and specific needs.
  • Access interactive learning materials customized to align with the most current market trends.
  • Gain the opportunity to receive education from the most distinguished faculty members.

Upon course completion with us, you will have the ability to grasp the challenges of AI in professional settings, and you’ll be well-prepared to pursue various job opportunities worldwide.

The future prospects for AI experts are genuinely promising. Research reports affirm a significant global shortage of proficient AI professionals currently. It’s safe to assert that the salary packages in this field are substantial.

  • In India, the typical salary range for freshers in this field varies, generally falling between 5 to 8 lakhs.
  • Various job profiles in the field exhibit distinct salary ranges.
  • By obtaining this Artificial Intelligence certification Training, you can equip yourself for diverse AI positions and potentially increase your earnings in the process.

Regardless of the size of the business, AI is utilized by everyone to streamline their operations effortlessly. Through the Artificial Intelligence certification training, you will acquire a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts and elevate your expertise to a professional level.

  • You have the flexibility to seek employment in various industries such as media, healthcare, insurance, and many others.
  • Upon successfully finishing the course, you become an attractive candidate for top-tier recruiters.
  • Position yourself as a sought-after AI expert and experience substantial growth in the year 2023.

AI has integrated into our everyday lives, and its applications are ubiquitous in our surroundings. It is now applicable across almost every industry vertical.

AI is currently one of the fastest-growing fields, offering a multitude of job opportunities, and its pervasive applications are evident everywhere. The use of AI tools and machine learning algorithms is highly valued by companies, as they anticipate a substantial demand for proficient AI experts in the coming years.

  • Artificial Intelligence stands as the most remarkable catalyst for progress.
  • There exists an unforeseen surge in the demand for proficient AI professionals in 2020 and beyond.
  • A substantial deficit exists in the availability of skilled AI experts capable of efficiently completing their tasks.
  • Presently, nearly every industry is contemplating AI implementation.
  • AI is undeniably astonishing, and the salary prospects within the field are equally remarkable.

Upon course completion, you gain eligibility to pursue various roles in AI. Let’s explore some of the typical job responsibilities you will experience as part of your online Artificial Intelligence Certification training.

  • You should possess knowledge of a range of AI concepts, machine learning tools, including logistic regression, neural networks, and more.
  • You should have a comprehensive understanding of both theoretical and practical concepts.
  • Acquiring proficient machine learning skills is essential for crafting robust AI systems.

Furthermore, you should possess the capacity to comprehend intricate AI challenges encountered in professional settings, and you will be adept at applying your skills effectively in the workplace.

Upon successful completion of Artificial Intelligence certification training, you will receive a certificate to authenticate your skills, and you will gain recognition among leading corporate entities. We are dedicated to providing you with the essential skills and knowledge to ensure your success.

  • Our training certificate holds global recognition and It aids in your ascent up the professional career ladder.
  • It signifies credibility, enhances your income potential, and positions you among the elite in your field.

Receive competitive salary packages and access an ever-evolving, up-to-date knowledge base. Upon completing the training, seize the opportunity to embark on careers with prominent industry leaders such as TCS, IBM, Google, Microsoft, Accenture, Pitney Bowes, and more.

Why should you learn AI:

Salesforce is a highly sought-after skill with excellent job prospects across various industries, enabling you to pursue rewarding career opportunities and command higher salaries.

As the leading CRM platform, Salesforce empowers businesses to streamline operations, enhance customer relationships, and drive growth, making it a valuable asset for professionals.

Salesforce offers a rich ecosystem with numerous customization options, allowing you to tailor solutions to specific business needs and continually expand your skillset.

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Week Days
Fast Track
Course Duration
40-45 Days
7 Weekends
8 Days
1 Hrs. Per Day
2 Hrs. Per Day
6+ Hrs. Per Day
Training Mode
Virtual Instructor Led
Virtual Instructor Led
Virtual Instructor Led

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Corporate Training

For India & Abroad

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Artificial Intelligence Certification Training

Through our AZ-900 “Microsoft Azure Fundamentals” certification training, you will acquire the fundamental understanding of cloud services and how Microsoft Azure delivers these services. This certification is designed for individuals who are new to working with cloud-based solutions and services or are just getting started with Azure.

In this program you will learn:

  • Python Statistics for AI
  • Python – MySQL
  • Data Science Professional Program
  • Machine Learning
  • Live Projects

Introduction To Python:

  • Installation and Working with Python
  • Understanding Python variables
  • Python basic Operators
  • Understanding the Python blocks.

Introduction To Variables:

  • Variables, expression condition and function
  • Global and Local Variables in Python
  • Packing and Unpacking Arguments
  • Type Casting in Python
  • Byte objects vs. string in Python
  • Variable Scope

Python Data Type:

  • Declaring and usingNumeric data types
  • Using stringdata type and string operations
  • Understanding Non-numeric data types
  • Understanding the concept of Casting and Boolean.
  • Strings
  • List
  • Tuples
  • Dictionary
  • Sets

Introduction Keywords and Identifiers and Operators

  • Python Keyword and Identifiers
  • Python Comments, Multiline Comments.
  • Python Indentation
  • Understating the concepts of Operators

Data Structure

  1. List
        • What is List.
        • List Creation
        • List Length
        • List Append
        • List Insert
        • List Remove
        • List Append & Extend using “+” and Keyword
        • List Delete
        • List related Keyword in Python
        • List Revers
        • List Sorting
        • List having Multiple Reference
        • String Split to create a List
        • List Indexing
        • List Slicing
        • List count and Looping
        • List Comprehension and Nested Comprehension


      • Dict Creation
      • Dict Access (Accessing Dict Values)
      • Dict Get Method
      • Dict Add or Modify Elements
      • Dict Copy
      • Dict From Keys.
      • Dict Items
      • Dict Keys (Updating, Removing and Iterating)
      • Dict Values
      • Dict Comprehension
      • Default Dictionaries
      • Ordered Dictionaries
      • Looping Dictionaries
      • Dict useful methods (Pop, Pop Item, Str , Update etc.)

Sets, Tuples and Looping Programming

  1. Sets
    • What is Set
    • Set Creation
    • Add element to a Set
    • Remove elements from a Set
    • PythonSet Operations
    • Frozen Sets

       2. Tuple

    • What is Tuple
    • Tuple Creation
    • Accessing Elements in Tuple
    • Changinga Tuple
    • TupleDeletion
    • Tuple Count
    • Tuple Index
    • TupleMembership
    • TupleBuilt in Function (Length, Sort)

    3. Control Flow

    • Loops
    • Loops and Control Statements (Continue, Break and Pass).
    • Looping techniques in Python
    • How to use Range function in Loop
    • Programs for printing Patterns in Python
    • How to use if and else with Loop
    • Use of Switch Function in Loop
    • Elegant way of Python Iteration
    • Generator in Python
    • How to use nested IF and Else in Python
    • How to use nested Loop in Python
    • Use If and Else in for and While Loop
    • Examples of Looping with Break and Continue Statements
    • How to use IN or NOTkeywordin Python Loop.

Exception and File Handling, Module, Function and Packages

    1. Python Exception  Handling

    • Python Errors and Built-in-Exceptions
    • Exception handing Try, Except and Finally
    • Catching Exceptions in Python
    • Catching Specific Exception in Python
    • Raising Exception
    • Try and Finally

    2. Python File Handling

    • Opening a File
    • Python File Modes
    • Closing File
    • Writing to a File
    • Reading from a File
    • Renaming and Deleting Files in Python
    • Python Directory and File Management
    • List Directories and Files
    • Making New Directory
    • Changing Directory

    3. Python Function, Modules and Packages

    • Python Syntax
    • Function Call
    • Return Statement
    • Write an Empty Function in Python –pass statement.
    • Lamda/ Anonymous Function
    • *argsand **kwargs
    • Help function in Python
    • Scope and Life Time of Variable in Python Function
    • Nested Loop in Python Function
    • Recursive Function and Its Advantage and Disadvantage
    • Organizing python codes using functions
    • Organizing python projects into modules
    • Importing own module as well as external modules
    • Understanding Packages
    • Programming using functions, modules & external packages
    • Map, Filter and Reduce function with Lambda Function
    • More example of Python Function

Data Automation (Excel, SQL, PDF etc)

  1. Python Object Oriented Programming—Oops
    • Concept of Class, Object and Instances
    • Constructor, Class attributes and Destructors
    • Real time use of class in live projects
    • Inheritance, Overlapping and Overloading operators
    • Adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes
    • Programming using Oops support

      2. Python Database Interaction

    • SQL Database connection using
    • Creating and searching tables
    • Reading and Storing configinformation on database
    • Programming using database connections

     3. Reading an excel

    • Reading an excel file usingPython
    • Writing toan excel sheet using Python
    • Python| Reading an excel file
    • Python | Writing an excel file
    • Adjusting Rows and Column using Python
    • ArithmeticOperation in Excel file.
    • Plotting Pie Charts
    • Plotting Area Charts
    • Plotting Bar or Column Charts using Python.
    • Plotting Doughnut Chartslusing Python.
    • Consolidationof Excel File using Python
    • Split of Excel File Using Python.
    • Play with Workbook, Sheets and Cells in Excel using Python
    • Creating and Removing Sheets
    • Formatting the Excel File Data
    • More example of Python Function

   4.Working with PDF and MS Word using Python

    • Extracting Text from PDFs
    • Creating PDFs
    • Copy Pages
    • Split PDF
    • Combining pages from many PDFs
    • Rotating PDF’s Pages

  5. Complete Understanding of OS Module of Python

    • Check Dirs. (exist or not)
    • How to split path and extension
    • How to get user profile detail
    • Get the path of Desktop, Documents, Downloads etc.
    • Handle the File System Organization using OS
    • How to get any files and folder’s details using OS

Data Analysis & Visualization

  1. Pandas
    • Read data from Excel File using Pandas More Plotting, Date Time Indexing and writing to files
    • How to get record specific records Using Pandas Adding & Resetting Columns, Mapping with function
    • Using the Excel File class to read multiple sheets More Mapping, Filling Nonvalue’s
    • Exploring the Data Plotting, Correlations, and Histograms
    • Getting statistical information about the data Analysis Concepts, Handle the None Values
    • Reading files with no header and skipping records Cumulative Sums and Value Counts, Ranking etc
    • Reading a subset of columns Data Maintenance, Adding/Removing Cols and Rows
    • Applying formulas on the columns Basic Grouping, Concepts of Aggregate Function
    • Complete Understanding of Pivot Table Data Slicing using iLocand Locproperty (Setting Indices)
    • Under sting the Properties of Pivot Table in Pandas Advanced Reading CSVs/HTML, Binning, Categorical Data
    • Exporting the results to Excel Joins:
    • Python | Pandas Data Frame Inner Join
    • Under sting the properties of Data Frame Left Join (Left Outer Join)
    • Indexing and Selecting Data with Pandas Right Join (Right Outer Join)
    • Pandas | Merging, Joining and Concatenating Full Join (Full Outer Join)
    • Pandas | Find Missing Data and Fill and Drop NA Appending DataFrameand Data
    • Pandas | How to Group Data How to apply Lambda / Function on Data Frame
    • Other Very Useful concepts of Pandas in Python Data Time Property in Pandas (More and More)

        2. NumPy

    • Introduction to NumPy: Numerical Python
    • Importing NumPy and Its Properties
    • NumPy Arrays
    • Creating an Array from a CSV
    • Operations an Array from aCSV
    • Operations with NumPy Arrays
    • Two-Dimensional Array
    • Selecting Elements from 1-D Array
    • Selecting Elements from 2-D Array
    • Logical Operation with Arrays
    • Indexing NumPy elements using conditionals
    • NumPy’sMean and Axis
    • NumPy’sMode, Median and Sum Function
    • NumPy’sSort Function and More

        3. MatPlotLib

    • Bar Chart using Python MatPlotLib
    • Column Chart using Python MatPlotLib
    • Pie Chart using Python MatPlotLib
    • Area Chart using Python MatPlotLib
    • Scatter Plot Chart using Python MatPlotLib
    • Play with Charts Properties Using MatPlotLib
    • Export the Chart as Image
    • Understanding plt. subplots () notation
    • Legend Alignment of Chart using MatPlotLib
    • Create Charts as Image
    • Other Useful Properties of Charts.
    • Complete Understanding of Histograms
    • Plotting Different Charts, Labels, and Labels Alignment etc.

     4. Introduction to Seaborn

    • Introduction to Seaborn
    • Making a scatter plot with lists
    • Making a count plot with a list
    • Using Pandas with seaborn
    • Tidy vs Untidy data
    • Making a count plot with a Dataframe
    • Adding a third variable with hue
    • Hue and scattera plots
    • Hue and count plots

    5. Visualizing Two Quantitative Variables

    • Introduction to relational plots and subplots
    • Creating subplots with col and row
    • Customizing scatters plots
    • Changing the size of scatter plot points
    • Changing the style of scatter plot points
    • Introduction to line plots
    • Interpreting line plots
    • Visualizing standard deviation with line plots
    • Plotting subgroups in line plots

   6. Visualizing a Categorical and a Quantitative Variable

    • Current plots and bar plots
    • Count plots
    • Bar plot with percentages
    • Customizing bar plots
    • Box plots
    • Create and interpret a box plot
    • Omitting outliers
    • Adjusting the whiskers
    • Point plots
    • Customizing points plots
    • Point plot with subgroups

   7. Customizing Seaborn Plots

    • Changing plot style and colour
    • Changing style and palette
    • Changing the scale
    • Using a custom palette
    • Adding titles and labels: Part 1
    • Face Grids vs. Axes Subplots
    • Adding a title to a face Grid object
    • Adding title and labels: Part 2
    • Adding a title and axis labels
    • Rotating x-tics labels
    • Putting it all together
    • Box plot with subgroups
    • Bar plot with subgroups and subplots


Python – MySQL

  • Introduction to MySQL
  • What is the MySQLdb
  • How do I Install MySQLdb
  • Connecting to the MYSQL
  • Selecting a database
  • Adding data to a table
  • Executing multiple queries
  • Exporting and Importing data tables.
  • SQL Functions
    • Single Row Functions
    • Character Functions, Number Function, Round, Truncate, Mod, Max, Min, Date

General Functions

  • Count, Average, Sum, Now etc.

Joining Tables

  • Obtaining data from Multiple Tables
  • Types of Joins (Inner Join, Left Join, Right Join & Full Join)
  • Sub-Queries Vs. Joins

Operators (Data using Group Function)

  • Distinct, Order by, Group by, Equal to etc.

Database Objects (Constraints & Views)

  • Not Null
  • Unique
  • Primary Key
  • Foreign Key

Structural & Functional Database Testing using TOAD To

  1. SQL Basic
    • SQL Introduction
    • SQL Syntax
    • SQL Select
    • SQL Distinct
    • SQL Where
    • SQL And & Or
    • SQL Order By
    • SQL Insert
    • SQL Update
    • SQL Delete

2. SQL Advance

    • SQL Like
    • SQL Wildcards
    • SQL In
    • SQL Between
    • SQL Alias
    • SQL Joins
    • SQL Inner Join
    • SQL Left Join
    • SQL Right Join
    • SQL Full Join
    • SQL Union

3. SQL Functions

    • SQL Avg()
    • SQL Count()
    • SQL First()
    • SQL Last()
    • SQL Max()
    • SQL Min()
    • SQL Sum()
    • SQL Group By




Introduction to Data Science

  • What is Analytics & Data Science
  • Common Terms in Analytics
  • What is data
  • Classification of data
  • Relevance in industry and need of the hour
  • Types of problems and business objectives in various industries
  • How leading companies are harnessing the power of analytics
  • Critical success drivers
  • Overview of analytics tools & their popularity
  • Analytics Methodology & problem-solving framework
  • List of steps in Analytics projects
  • Identify the most appropriate solution design for the given problem statement
  • Project plan for Analytics project & key milestones based on effort estimates
  • Build Resource plan for analytics project
  • Why Python for data science

Accessing/Importing and Exporting Data

  • Importing Data from various sources (Csv, txt, excel, access etc)
  • Database Input (Connecting to database)
  • Viewing Data objects – sub setting, methods
  • Exporting Data to various formats
  • Important python modules: Pandas

Data Manipulation: Cleansing – Munging Using Python Modules

  • Cleansing Data with Python
  • Filling missing values using lambda function and concept of Skewness.
  • Data Manipulation steps (Sorting, filtering, duplicates, merging, appending, sub setting, derived variables, sampling, Data type conversions, renaming, formatting.
  • Normalizing data
  • Feature Engineering
  • Feature Selection
  • Feature scaling using Standard Scaler/Min-Max scaler/Robust Scaler.
  • Label encoding/one hot encoding

Data Analysis: Visualization Using Python

  • Introduction exploratory data analysis
  • Descriptive statistics, Frequency Tables and summarization
  • Univariate Analysis (Distribution of data & Graphical Analysis)
  • Bivariate Analysis (Cross Tabs, Distributions & Relationships, Graphical Analysis)
  • Creating Graphs- Bar/pie/line chart/histogram/ boxplot/ scatter/ density etc.)
  • Important Packages for Exploratory Analysis (NumPy Arrays, Matplotlib, seaborn, Pandas etc.)

Introduction to Statistics

  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Sample vs Population Statistics
  • Random variables
  • Probability distribution functions
  • Expected value
  • Normal distribution
  • Gaussian distribution
  • Z-score
  • Central limit theorem
  • Spread and Dispersion
  • Inferential Statistics-Sampling
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Z-stats vs T-stats
  • Type 1 & Type 2 error
  • Confidence Interval
  • ANOVA Test
  • Chi Square Test
  • T-test 1-Tail 2-Tail Test
  • Correlation and Co-variance

Introduction to Predictive Modelling

  • Concept of model in analytics and how it is used
  • Common terminology used in Analytics & Modelling process
  • Popular Modelling algorithms
  • Types of Business problems – Mapping of Techniques
  • Different Phases of Predictive Modelling

Data Exploration for Modelling

  • Need for structured exploratory data
  • EDA framework for exploring the data and identifying any problems with the data (Data Audit Report)
  • Identify missing data
  • Identify outliers’ data
  • Imbalanced Data Techniques

Data Pre-Processing & Data Mining

  • Data Preparation
  • Feature Engineering
  • Feature Scaling
  • Datasets
  • Dimensionality Reduction
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Parameter Estimation
  • Data and Knowledge
  • Selected Applications in Data Mining

Introduction to Machine Learning

  • Artificial Intelligence
    1. AI overview
    2. Meaning, scope, and 3 stages of AI
    3. Decoding AI
    4. Features of AI
    5. Applications of AI
    6. Image recognition
    7. Effect of AI on society
    8. AI for industries
    9. Overview of machine learning
    10. ML and AI relationship
  • Machine Learning
  • Techniques of Machine Learning
  • Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Algorithmic models of Learning
  • Applications of Machine Learning
  • Large Scale Machine Learning
  • Computational Learning theory
  • Reinforcement Learning

Supervised Machine Learning

  • Supervised Learning
  1. What is Supervised Learning
  2. Algorithms in Supervised learning
  3. Regression & Classification
  4. Regression vs classification
  5. Computation of correlation coefficient and Analysis
  6. Multivariate Linear Regression Theory
  7. Coefficient of determination (R2) and Adjusted R2
  8. Model Misspecifications
  9. Economic meaning of a Regression Model
  10. Bivariate Analysis
  11. Naive Bayes classifier, Model TrainingA
  12. NOVA (Analysis of Variance)
  • Semi-supervised and Reinforcement Learning
  • Bias and variance Trade-off
  • Representation Learning


  • Regression and its Types
  • Logistic Regression
  • Linear Regression
  • Polynomial Regression


  • Meaning and Types of Classification
  • Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
  • K-nearest Neighbors
  • Probability and Bayes Theorem
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Naive Bayes
  • Decision Tree Classifier
  • Random Forest Classifier

Unsupervised Learning: Clustering

  • About Clustering
  • Clustering Algorithms
  • K-means Clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • Distribution Clustering

Model optimization and Boosting

  • Ensemble approach
  • K-fold cross validation
  • Grid search cross validation
  • Ada boost and XG Boost

Introduction to Deep Learning

  • What are the Limitations of Machine Learning
  • What is Deep Learning
  • Advantage of Deep Learning over Machine learning
  • Reasons to go for Deep Learning
  • Real-Life use cases of Deep Learning

Deep Learning Networks

  • What is Deep Learning Networks
  • Why Deep Learning Networks
  • How Deep Learning Works
  • Feature Extraction
  • Working of Deep Network
  • Training using Backpropagation
  • Variants of Gradient Descent
  • Types of Deep Networks
  • Feed forward neural networks (FNN)
  • Convolutional neural networks (CNN)
  • Recurrent Neural networks (RNN)
  • Generative Adversal Neural Networks (GAN)
  • Restrict Boltzman Machine (RBM)

Deep Learning with Keras

  • Define Keras
  • How to compose Models in Keras
  • Sequential Composition
  • Functional Composition
  • Predefined Neural Network Layers
  • What is Batch Normalization
  • Saving and Loading a model with Keras
  • Customizing the Training Process
  • Intuitively building networks with Keras

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

  • Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks
  • CNN Applications
  • Architecture of a Convolutional Neural Network
  • Convolution and Pooling layers in a CNN
  • Understanding and Visualizing CNN
  • Transfer Learning and Fine-tuning Convolutional Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

  • Intro to RNN Model
  • Application use cases of RNN
  • Modelling sequences
  • Training RNNs with Backpropagation
  • Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
  • Recursive Neural Tensor Network Theory
  • Recurrent Neural Network Model
  • Time Series Forecasting

Natural Language Processing

  • NLP with python
  • Bags of words
  • Stemming
  • Tokenization
  • Lemmatization
  • TF-IDF
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Overview of Tensor Flow

What is Tensor Flow

  • Tensor Flow code-basics
  • Graph Visualization
  • Constants, Placeholders, Variables
  • Tensor flow Basic Operations
  • Linear Regression with Tensor Flow
  • Logistic Regression with Tensor Flow
  • K Nearest Neighbor algorithm with Tensor Flow
  • K-Means classifier with Tensor Flow
  • Random Forest classifier with Tensor Flow

Neural Networks Using Tensor Flow

  • Quick recap of Neural Networks
  • Activation Functions, hidden layers, hidden units
  • Illustrate & Training a Perceptron
  • Important Parameters of Perceptron
  • Understand limitations of A Single Layer Perceptron
  • Illustrate Multi-Layer Perceptron
  • Back-propagation – Learning Algorithm
  • Understand Back-propagation – Using Neural Network Example
  • TensorBoard

Introduction to Big Data Hadoop and Spark

  • What is Big Data
  • Big Data Customer Scenarios
  • Understanding BIG Data: Summary
  • Few Examples of BIG Data
  • Why BIG data is a BUZZ
  • How Hadoop Solves the Big Data Problem
  • What is Hadoop
  • Hadoop’s Key Characteristics
  • Hadoop Cluster and its Architecture
  • Hadoop: Different Cluster Modes
  • Why Spark is needed
  • What is Spark
  • How Spark differs from other frameworks
  • Spark at Yahoo!

BIG Data Analytics and why it’s a Need Now

  • What is BIG data Analytics
  • Why BIG Data Analytics is a ‘need’ now
  • BIG Data: The Solution
  • Implementing BIG Data Analytics – Different Approaches

Traditional Analytics vs. BIG Data Analytics

  • The Traditional Approach: Business Requirement Drives Solution Design
  • The BIG Data Approach: Information Sources drive Creative Discovery
  • Traditional and BIG Data Approaches
  • BIG Data Complements Traditional Enterprise Data Warehouse
  • Traditional Analytics Platform v/s BIG Data Analytics Platform

Big Data Technologies

  1. Scala
    • What is Scala
    • Scala in other Frameworks
    • Introduction to Scala REPL
    • Basic Scala Operations
    • Variable Types in Scala
    • Control Structures in Scala
    • Understanding the constructor overloading,
    • Various abstract classes
    • The hierarchy types in Scala,
    • For-each loop, Functions and Procedures
    • Collections in Scala- Array
  2. Spark
    • Overview to Spark
    • Spark installation, Spark configuration,
    • Spark Components & its Architecture
    • Spark Deployment Modes
    • Limitations of Map Reduce in Hadoop
    • Working with RDDs in Spark
    • Introduction to Spark Shell
    • Deploying Spark without Hadoop
    • Parallel Processing
    • Spark MLLib – Modelling Big Data with Spark

Apache Kafka and Flume

  • What is Kafka Why Kafka
  • Configuring Kafka Cluster
  • Kafka architecture
  • Producing and consuming messages
  • Operations, Kafka monitoring tool
  • Need of Apache Flume
  • What is Apache Flume
  • Understanding the architecture of Flume
  • Basic Flume Architecture

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Artificial Intelligence Certification Training



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Real-life Case Studies

Case studies based on top industry frameworks help you to relate your learning with real-time based industry solutions.



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Each certification course, associated with the program is affiliated with the top universities providing edge to gain epitome in the course.

Incorporating skills and certifications into our employees’ resumes proved to be a strategic move, resulting in a remarkable 200% revenue growth and enhancing our standing in terms of both quality and punctual delivery.

I successfully finished two courses at AlmaMate Info Tech, one focused on web design and the other on PHP. The instructors demonstrated exceptional skills and expertise, making the learning process smooth and hassle-free. I am extremely content with my decision and the knowledge I gained.

I have over a decade of experience as a Data Analytics professional and have been a part of the AlmaMate Info Tech community for the past two years. During this time, I have had the privilege of mentoring and assisting numerous students in achieving their career objectives and skill development.


Muskan Jadwani
Muskan Jadwani
Almamate cross my expectations no words to express It was a great experience learning from highly professional trainers especially Poonam Malhotra Mam. The trainer provide in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience. The course not only boosted my confidence but also opened doors to exciting career friendly and were ready to help us with our doubts
piyush navaney
piyush navaney
Both Almamate's trainers & management team are very supportive.V get quick response 2 our queries.Mrs Poonam Malhotra Mam,is highly experienced & made learning simpler wid her illustrative approach.She is always concerned 4 her students.I will be appearing 4 placements soon.I hope & pray will land in a gud org,with all those efforts turning fruitful.
manjeet singh
manjeet singh
"Almamate Salesforce Training was the perfect choice for a beginner like me. The trainers explained the concepts in a simple language, making it easy for me to understand. I am grateful for the knowledge I gained and feel ready to start my Salesforce career
Sanjeet Kumar
Sanjeet Kumar
I cannot express enough gratitude to Almamate Salesforce Training for the exceptional training and support. After completing the course, I successfully transitioned into a Salesforce role and experienced rapid career growth. The skills I gained have opened doors to new and exciting opportunities
Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar
Almamate Salesforce Training exceeded my expectations. The trainers provide in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience. The course not only boosted my confidence but also opened doors to exciting career opportunities. I am now working in a dynamic Salesforce role, thanks to Almamate!
Najama Khatun
Najama Khatun
Almamate Salesforce Training is the best place for beginners like me. The trainers were very supportive and made sure I understood each topic. They provided practical exercises that helped me apply what I learned. I am now confident in my Salesforce abilities."
Abhay kumar Dwivedi
Abhay kumar Dwivedi
I am a beginner in Salesforce, and Almamate Salesforce Training was the perfect starting point for me. The trainers were patient and supportive, and they made sure I understood the concepts. Now, I feel ready to take my first steps in a Salesforce career.
Sunita Dwivedi
Sunita Dwivedi
Almamate Salesforce Training was an excellent learning experience for me. The trainers were knowledgeable and explained everything step-by-step. They provided real-life examples that helped me grasp the concepts better. I would recommend this training to anyone starting their Salesforce journey.


AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human-like intelligence in machines or computer systems.

If you have a background in e-commerce, data analytics, or data science, transitioning to artificial intelligence is a viable option. Even if you’re new to the field, as long as you possess a strong desire to pursue a career in AI, you can make the transition with confidence.

For taking up this Artificial Intelligence course, there are no specific prerequisites.

For taking up this Artificial Intelligence course, there are no specific prerequisites.

After joining, the student can download the course material easily or out team will get in touch with you for the required help.

Career Assistance

- Build an Impressive Resume
- Get Tips from Trainer to Clear Interviews
- Attend Mock-Up Interviews with Experts
- Get Interviews & Get Hired

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